make sense of your internal experience under stress

Best Emotional Intelligence Tool

Uncover What You Can't See About Yourself

It’s a common misconception that it’s the workload that drains us. However, the true challenge lies in managing your internal emotional experience at work.

The reality is that stress can subtly undermine even the best leaders & professionals, leading to misunderstandings, frustration, emotional outbursts, and conflict.

While businesses and organizations rely on the effectiveness of each individual, many fail to consider how stress impacts their ability to perform.

Introducing the WE-I Profile. Unlike traditional subjective Emotional Intelligence (EQ) assessments, the WE-I Profile offers an objective approach that focuses on where your attention goes in moments of relational stress—revealing the inner dynamics that shape your actions when it matters most.

Leading Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Wow. The WE-I profile is mind blowing! The awareness it created plus coaching has been transformative for me. I used to avoid conflict in all aspects of my life, and finally I understand why.
Now, I can transform potential setbacks into opportunities for growth. I ask better questions, make more educated decisions, connect and build stronger relationships, and now engage in difficult conversations.

What makes the WE-I Profile unique? It provides a personalized, highly accurate reflection of the thoughts, feelings, and desires driving your behaviour under stress — data drawn directly from your own input. Simply put, you get a real time snap shot of your internal experience, in the moment, in relationship, and under stress.   

The data reveals how you respond under stress—your emotional range, where you place blame, whether you focus on risks or optimism, your relationship strategies, how you self-soothe, and your ability to empathize with others accurately and compassionately.

The WE-I Profile is the only Emotional Intelligence tool that captures your internal experience, allowing you to uncover your blind spots and bring awareness to your patterns of thinking, wanting, and feeling that have been shaped by your experience and relationships throughout your life.   These deeply ingrained patterns may unknowingly hold you back, sabotaging opportunities, relationships, and overall success.

WE-I Profile Certified Practitioner
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